Port Norris Pickings 1890

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Saturday, August 2, 1890

Master Benj. Lee, of Newport, is visiting Leslie Lore.

The schooner A. S. Mulford left yesterday for Dividing Creek, where she will be overhauled and painted.

Maskell Ewing, of Bay Side, is here attending to business matters.

A very interesting game of ball was played yesterday between the "Muskrats" and "Minks." Wm. Cobb and Harry Green were the battery for the "Muskrats," and George Conahay and Walter Sharp for the "Minks." The score was 11 to 8 in favor of the "Muskrats."

Mrs. Wm. J. Kienzle has been visiting in Bridgeton.

Mrs. Elwood Hubbs has returned to her home in Bridgeton.

Walter Riggins has in course of construction on the corner of main and Brown streets a very pretty little cottage.

Harvey Shaw, conductor of the Cape May Branch of the West Jersey Railroad, has been in town
this week.

Work on the new turn table for the Central Railroad Company is being pushed rapidly forward. The foundation is nearly completed, and in a day or so the track will be laid.

John Yates, Postmaster at Bivalve, has much improved the appearance of his residence at that place with a coat of white paint.

July 29

Mrs. Emma Lore is visiting friends and relatives in Philadelphia.

Harry Rice, of Bridgeton, has been visiting relatives here.

Wm. Souder, of Bridgeton, spent Sunday with friends here.

Mr. Frank Pepper returned to his duties at Sandy Hook yesterday after spending Sunday
with his family.

Miss Alice Harris and Miss Fisher, of Bridgeton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lizzie Pepper.

Captain G. A. Henry is building an addition to his barn on North Main Street.

Ludlam Lee has accepted a position with a firm at Cape May as bookkeeper.

Wm. Bailey returned to his home from Philadelphia on Saturday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Kienzle spent Sunday with friends at North Port Norris.

Daniel Buzby returned to Millville after spending Sunday with his parents.

July 26

Captain Ellis Hand, Jr., of the schooner Gratitude, arrived here yesterday with a party of the Y. M. C. A. of Philadelphia. The schooner sailed from Philadelphia last week, going through the canal, down the Chesapeake bay, visiting Norfolk and various other places of interest, returning outside.

Lemuel Sloan, of Greenwich, has been visiting his father, Mr. Geo. W. Sloan.

Wm. Boon, of Bridgeton, has been spending a few days with Joseph O. Heritage.

The members of J. C. Shinn Post, No. 6, paid a fraternal visit to Millville Post Wednesday night last.

A game of base ball was played in the presence of a large crowd on Thursday between the Port Norris and Philadelphia teams, resulting in a victory for the Port Norris boys.

Mrs. Harriet Campbell returned to her home in Bridgeton yesterday after an extended visit to
Mrs. Aaron Campbell.

The sloop Zabrina sailed with a party of pleasure seekers yesterday down the bay. They went as far as East Point, and finding the sea running high they decided to change their course and ran up the river where a pleasant day was spent.